Return Policy: 15-Day Return Policy

At Arteli, we want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. That's why we offer a 15-day refund policy to ensure your peace of mind. If you're not happy with your order, you can request a refund within 15 days of receiving it.

How to Process a Return

To request a refund, simply email our dedicated support team at Please include your order number and a brief description of the reason for your return request. Our support team will guide you through the process and provide you with a Return Authorization (RA) number.

How Long Will it Take

Our refund team is committed to serving you promptly. You can expect a response to your refund request within 48 hours. Refunds are processed within 48 hours of receiving the item at our warehouse. We value your time and strive to resolve refund inquiries as efficiently as possible.

Types of Refunds

We understand that every situation is unique, and we offer the following types of refunds to best meet your needs:

Full Refunds: We can provide a full refund to the original payment method you used for your purchase. This option ensures a complete reimbursement of your payment.

Store Credit: If you prefer, we can issue store credit for the refunded amount. Store credit allows you to make future purchases on our website with the refunded amount as a credit balance.

Product Replacement: In some cases, we may offer a product replacement if your item arrives damaged or defective. We'll ship a new item to you at no additional cost.

Please note that the eligibility of your refund may depend on the condition of the returned item(s) and adherence to our return policy.

If you have any questions or need further assistance with the refund process, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at

We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction and making the refund process as smooth as possible.